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Team Effort!!

Starting with the facts. Cardz for Kidz! provides cards for all distressed children. The first card delivery outside of a hospital was to the children in Newton, Connecticut. The connection to Sandy Hook was through another elementary school in Connecticut. Here are a couple images of their artwork:


After hearing of the shooting we checked to learn that our Connecticut artists were not involved…..but the little boy who started Cardz for Kidz! at his school had cousins that attended Sandy Hook Elementary school. The family confirmed that they would love to receive the cards! With the help of volunteers from Google, DePaul University and others, we were able to send well OVER 200 cards. Here was our contact’s response:

“Thank you so much for all those beautifully decorated cards and snowflakes! They were absolutely gorgeous and the most wonderful spirit-lifters for all these children at Sandy Hook.”

Also, we sent out a set of cards for the classmates of the Boston Marathon bombing victim (1 of the 3 deaths was a child at Neighborhood CharterHouse School). During both of these shipments we learned that there were MANY caring people across the United States. Both parties updated us that they received similar donations from other people and/or groups.

Please reach out to us at if you know of any children experiencing tragedy, who may not be on the front page of the newspaper, but who could use uplifting as well. Let’s make this a TEAM EFFORTto reach as many kids as possible!!!

To see more pictures and stories please check out our Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter @cardzforkidz


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