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Not Too Thin!

It’s official. Cardz FROM Kidz! has launched; our partnership with the Salvation Army and Little Brothers – Friend of the Elderly!!!

Background. How it works is we ask grade school students to make cards. Then grade school teachers get to choose if they’d like their students’ cards to go to isolated seniors or to hospitalized and/or traumatized children. If teachers don’t indicate a preference, we split it up to make sure we have enough cards for the seniors, as well as the children.

Now some may think, “Cardz for Kidz! is still in the growth phase! They shouldn’t expand to reach other citizens.” Our response: it’s a partnership. Actually, we’re benefiting more! The seniors at the Salvation Army’s Booth Manor and Little Brothers- Friends of the Elderly, have created and donated THREE times as many cards as we’ve sent them.

Our buddy, Shirley at Booth Manor, posing with some cards that she made during the first event.

During her free time she made 40 more cards.

This partnership touches “solitary seniors” and“hospitalized and/or traumatized children”. Often these seniors get encouraged knowing that not only is someone thinking of them, but the cards they’re making are uplifting a child’s spirit. This inspires them to make even more.

A picture of Christine an employee of Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly posing with the cards made by elementary school students in Maywood, Illinois. Also, with cards that her participants made for patients.

In summary, our elder friends are activated to create more cards. Based on that partnership in terms of spreading ourselves….we’re definitely Not Too Thin!

To see more pictures and stories please check out our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter , or visit our LinkedIn page!


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