Our ideal comment on Facebook was, “… it was one of the most relaxing lunch hours ever. We turned on Pandora, ate pizza and made cards. I encourage you to coordinate an event at your office as well.” Relaxing, encourage, easy, fun…those are the most important words rather than the words, Cardz, for, and Kidz.
Cardz for Kidz! analyzes our “performance” on the total amount of smiles rather than the overall social buzz and media coverage! Thankfully, based on YOUR cards we’ve produced nearly 10,000 smiles.
An “artist” posing with the card she made during the Pledge Allegiance event and the patient at Mott Children’s Hospital covering her smile because she received her favorite card.
One may think:
Q: You first started creating cards in 2010, but the Nurses, Patients, Families, and “Artists” don’t know your name. In fact, I still can’t remember Cardz for Kidz! is spelled with a ‘z’ rather than a ‘s’! How come??
A: We are not striving for additional attention. We simply need cards.
As of 11:05pm on September 2, 2014 here were our social statistics:
Facebook Fans: 608
Twitter Followers: 81
LinkedIn Followers: 13
Just to put things in perspective:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Facebook Fans: 70,261
The Salvation Army Twitter Followers: 43.3k
United Way of America LinkedIn Followers: 2,474
A couple months ago we had an ideal “experience”. Based on our schedules we were able to go pick up cards from a long standing partner. Our primary contact had a lunch meeting so she left the cards with a teammate at the front desk. It was sad because our point person broke the rules – she didn’t pick the Top 10 cards. Thankfully our buddy at the front desk agreed to select her favorites, but due to the overall quality she had to request back up. After the final decision was made, we briefly chatted about the mission of Cardz for Kidz!. They were shocked because they didn’t know there was a non-profit behind the scenes. They simply understood they were making cards for pediatric patients during their lunch time at work. We gave them our business cards with our Facebook page…soon after we got two more likes (included in the calculation above J). We are thankful that some companies, such as Kforce, include our logo and slogan on their flyers and such – it’s rare and that’s not a problem.
So although some of the board members have experience analyzing social trends and digital marketing, we are not concerned about the amount of followers on Twitter, likes on Facebook, or comments on our blog. Our key concentration is getting as many cards to as manykids as possible. And even though we’ve been at it since 2010, we’re going to focus on reaching passionate people to host events, and not worry about the consistent comment, “Cardz for Kidz!?? Never heard of them!”
So don’t worry if you aren’t using our official logo, linking to our pages, or even properly recognizing the fact that we’re delivering the cards for you! In terms of infringement or breaking a copyright, you’re found “NOT GUILTY” in our eyes!!
Also, unless absolutely necessary we’ll keep referring to ourselves as ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘Cardz for Kidz!’ and/or ‘founders’ on these social posts and websiterather than using our personal names. We don’t need the attention, the kids do!
Please keep them coming!
To see more pictures and stories please check out our website www.cardzforkidz.org, like us on Facebook page, follow us on Twitter , visit our Google+ page, or visit our LinkedIn page! Also, check out some of our new videos on Youtube!