“REALLY?!?!? YEAH!!!!”
It’s true. A lot of folks get real surprised and excited when they learn that their card was picked for the Overall Top 10.
First, we’ll give you the background of how it works. The organizer of each event picks the Top 10 cards from that event. Then they send us the entire stack of cards with the Top 10 separated. We immediately send out the remaining cards and hold the Top 10. At the end of the quarter our official judge selects the OverallTop 10 cards.
For some folks it’s most impressive that out of the 1,300+ cards they’re in the Top 10, but others are excited for another reason – face to face confirmation that hard work pays off.
As noted in prior posts on our social sites, websites, flyers, etc, we invite the Top 10 artists to make cards with pediatric patients and their families. Currently we make cards with patients at Lurie Children’s hospital in Chicago, IL and Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI. Usually we try to spark some competition! J We tell the children and volunteers about our Top 10 process. Then we tell the kids to pick their ULTIMATE FAVORITE card. The “artists” are actually sitting behind them. Once they make their selection we make a HUGE deal about it, update the “artists” then have the “artist” pose with the patient.
One of the top “artists” posing with the patient who selected their cards as #1.
Here’s a brief example of why inviting the top “artists” to make cards with children is so important.
Top 10 cards in Q4 2013
Turns out two young boys selected the Batman card as their ultimate favorite. The only problem is they picked it at the exact same time and we weren’t sure who should keep it. Thankfully the “artist” was there to immediately make one of the boys a Blackhawks card. Turns out both patients got their dream card – happily ever after!
Although it’s great being acknowledged for your artistic ability, one key benefit of making amazing cards is the possibility of participating in Cardz WITH Kidz. With that in place, you’ll be able to look the child you’re impacting Eye to Eye.
To see more pictures and stories please check out our website www.cardzforkidz.org, like us on Facebook page, follow us on Twitter , visit our Google+ page, or visit our LinkedIn page! Also, check out some of our new videos on Youtube!