Sorry, but once again we have to go back to being 100% open and honest. We made a mistake. And our excuse…it’s your fault. 🙂 OK maybe that was a bit drastic, but based on how everyone has been passionate and dedicated to donating their time to helping out, we assumed EVERYONE cared about Cardz for Kidz! . We were under the impression that A LOT of people were looking to volunteer their time to help this non-profit grow and impact tons of disheartened kids around the world. For example, lawyers donated SO much time to help us with ALL of our backend paperwork.So we say “it’s your fault” because, thankfully, you guys got us spoiled.
Now here’s the sad truth. As we highlighted in the Worth the Wait AND Weight blog post getting our website live was more expensive and took longer to get finalized than we thought. Also, to be open, we were under the impression that the company who helped us build it was dedicated to our cause. We also thought that after collecting the first round of payments, they would sparingly donate time to answer questions and/or make updates. Unfortunately, we’ve had to reach out to someone who’s willing to provide legal guidance since they’re charging us hundreds of dollars to make updates to the site they claimed were necessary. In addition, they charged us over $1,000 more for our website then they originally quoted us. 🙁
Now we know what you’re thinking….
“$1,000 MORE!”
“But wait! You don’t charge ANYONE ANYTHING to participate”
We agree that’s all pretty shocking! Although, yes, it was over 2 years ago, we know there’s no way our non-profit would still be going strong if it wasn’t for PHD’s Big Hug event. They raised nearly $7,000 for us which covered the website and a lot of other introductory fees. Also, our friends at Google, Amazon, and Network for Good have all set up ways where employees or customers can contribute to our cause.
With that consistent support we can feel comfortable connecting with hospitals in Canada even though the shipping is a bit more expensive. Or confidently hold true to our promise and ask each hospital if they currently have a DVD player. Also, it’s OK if a larger hospital outside of the Midwest confirms they’d like to receive cards. Shipping costs will be A LOT more. Thanks to your help we can uplift those spirits.
We’re thankful for all the help you’ve provided. WHAT WOULD WE DO without you? We have NO idea, but we’re thankful for everyone who’s pitched in to help our dreams, and the kids’ dreams come true!
To see more pictures and stories please check out our website, like us on Facebook page, follow us on Twitter , visit our Google+ page, or visit our LinkedIn page! Also, check out some of our videos on YouTube!