We’ve highlighted a couple of times when someone, or a particular group, has done something that’s never been done before. For example, we created a new verb and highlighted when another group was approaching it. We then let everyone know when a group changed our minds about being perfect, #perfectionschecklist. Schneider is one of these groups who’s done something a bit different. Something arguably even more spectacular.
What’s the keyword here: arguably or spectacular? They both play a major role. It’s not 100% agreed upon, but it’s also important that it’s spectacular. While we’re not huge into baseball, we think it’d be something like, what’s more spectacular – an in-the-park home run OR a grand slam? To do some research, we asked a few people on the train where it was quickly debated.
“Well, you have to be very fast.”
“First you’d have to get everyone on base.”
The overall skills vs. the amount of points. In our opinion, what Schneider has done is as valuable and rare as getting an ‘in-the-park grand slam.’ If there even is such a thing.
First Base. Coming to the Chicago Volunteer Expo and making cards. Although there were hundreds of nonprofits at the Chicago Volunteer Expo (CVE), many stopped by to make some cards for our kids. We’re sure the CVE team is thankful too since Schneider is helping them move up a level on our site!

Second Base. Hosting an event. These days this is a bit more common, but still we’re impressed that they stepped up and held multiple events. There are many times when people hear about our organization and plan to make cards, but don’t necessarily follow through. With Schneider we received 9 different packages within 6 months. Also, they’ve been quality cards since one of them made it into the OVERALL Top 10 and was selected by a family.

(You Are Clawsome Card)
Third Base. Coming to the hospital. A triple is very impressive in baseball, just like taking the time to travel to Lurie Children’s Hospital. Since Schneider is now a diamond participant, we set up a Cardz WITH Kidz event up for them at Lurie Children’s Hospital. They sent a team of volunteers and were able to fully engage the patients, families and staff.

Rounding the Base/Making it Home. What no group has done, Volunteering Behind the Scenes. The fun parts of Cardz for Kidz! are using the markers and glitter to make the encouraging cards AND potentially handing out the cards to children. The not so fun part, the behind the scenes section, is sorting through the packages and helping us count the cards that come in, proofing to make sure they’re appropriate for our kids, taking the pictures, and packaging them up. Thankfully Schneider left from their full days at work and helped us with the entire process. We were so impressed on this side, so we even had to brag about it to some of the other volunteers and board members!

(screenshot of the text so you know it’s authentic!)
Grand Slam. In-Depth Contributions. We’ve touched on all the steps they’ve done, but did not highlight how they’ve gone above and beyond during each one of those steps. For example, during one of the volunteer shifts some of their team members made a video about why they liked the Chicago Volunteer Expo. That’s never been done before. Another example is how they reached out asking all the languages we need and are going to put something together to make it easier for their team to make cards for kids in multiple languages.

In-the-Park. Speed. Like the debate about baseball on the train, we’re impressed with the speed of our volunteers at Schneider. There are some groups who take a year or more to get to the diamond level on our site. With Schneider they were able to get multiple offices to join in and get up to the diamond level within 6 months. Based on this speed and participation we’re sure they could get around the bases!

We’ll forever be impressed with how Schneider contributed in 2018 and how we feel they’re now a permanent partner. When we asked some of their volunteers about participating here’s what she said,
“I love Cardz for Kidz! I have been creating cards since it was brought to our organization. I find joy in getting creative with the creation of the cards but, I LOVE knowing that it will bring a smile to a child!”
-Hillary Hubertz!
No matter how the debate ended up on the train in terms of what’s the most impressive act in baseball, Schneider has it covered in our terms since they successfully did both. It’s no surprise, but with Schneider’s help we can say that their assistance has been SHIPPED ALL AROUND since they’ve covered all parts of our organization and are helping us grow.