As discussed last week, this blog post will be in first person as well; Ike, Founder of Cardz for Kidz! ____
One piece of paper.
Worthless, right? I mean, you always see those signs and clippings about the thousands of trees that are cut down to make paper. Signs that show how/why it’s important we recycle since so much paper is thrown away and not important. While that’s all true, but we have to remember that some pieces of paper are cherished and kept forever.
A couple years ago I wrote the blog postabout meeting “Penelope” at Mott Children’s Hospital and how that was uplifting. The postended with some images from the inspirational wall of my place out in Chicago. The first image was the clipping of a news article, (piece of paper) from the Ann Arbor News. It’s all about a bowler, Becky Arend, who nearly set records after having brain surgery.

Here’s one of my recent Facebook post that describes why this piece of paper is so valuable to me and its impact.

As I touched on in that Facebook post, thankfully, I was able to set up a meeting with Becky during a real tough time. It was great because we met up right after her league. We connected on all kinds of interesting stories and she told me that although it’s 10+ years old, she still has a copy of the article too. I wonder if it’s framed and laminated like mine!! J Either way, I’m thankful we were able to meet up and that I got her autograph.

Who knows? With the amount of effort you put into your piece of paper, aka homemade card, you may provide long term encouragement. Although we can’t guarantee a child is going to laminate your card, frame it and use Google to find you in order to get your autograph, we can guarantee that what may seem like just a PIECE OF PAPER (simply 1 of 10000+ cards we’ve shipped) may be what encourages a child for years.