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Now You Know


Do you have any idea of ALL the different reasons kids are admitted into the hospital? There’s a wide array of conditions children are born with or develop, but as touched on in a prior post, there are accidents too!

Here are some of the stories we’ve received that we’ve included in previous blog posts:

With all those stories we decided to do some Google searching for other facts and stories about kids.

Now, we know we can’t reach ALL children who are disheartened, but our goal is to reach AS MANY as possible. Unfortunately the amount of kids who need your cards is consistently growing. Before this post, did you know how much we need your help? Well…..NOW YOU KNOW!

Check out our “How-To” page to get ideas and/or our “Donate” page to help cover our other expenses. Thanks in advance for your help!

To see more pictures and stories please check out our website, like us on Facebook page, follow us on Twitter , visit our Google+ page, or visit our LinkedIn page! Also, check out some of our videos on YouTube!


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