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Nope I’m All Set!

Often people get a bit nervous when they first make cards! In front of them lies a LARGE table FULL of markers, card stock, scissors, glue sticks AND, if that wasn’t enough, three and a half bottles of glitter glue. Then they remember all of our ranting and raving about how each hospital guarantees that ALL the cards will be hand delivered. That means that in a couple weeks a little child will be holding their modified card stock.

Other folks start to get scared because their masterpiece may be the only gift this child gets. Since A LOT of the hospitals we work with are too small to receive other donations, their gift could be the only thing the child receives to uplift their spirits.

Finally, there are those who begin to shake because their card may be some children’s first interaction with ANYONE in the United States! As of December 6, 2013, Cardz for Kidz! has sent 175 cards to children outside of the USA; four separate countries. 

BUT DON’T WORRY! We’re here to help. Below is a list of some cute sayings that can be used to create your world renowned cards. After reading these suggestions, if someone asks, “do you need any ideas?” Your response can be “NOPE I’M ALL SET.”


  • Frog:

· Time’s fun when you’re having flies

· You make my heart leap

· Why are frogs lucky? They get to eat what bugs them!!

· Oh, HOPPY DAY!!!!!

  • Garden:

· If friends were flowers, I’d pick you!

· All the flowers of tomorrow are in seeds of today.

· Friends are the flowers in life’s garden. You’re in full bloom!!

· If you had a flower for every time someone thinks of you, you could walk forever in your garden

  • Laughter:

· A smile is a whisper of a laugh. Thanks to you we’re all telling secrets.

· Everyone laughs in the same language. Thanks to you we’re all fluent!!

  • Happiness:

· Free hugs!!!  One size fits all.

· You’re entering the Hug Department.   Always Open!!!

· Happiness adds and multiplies when we divide it with others. Thanks to you we’re doing the math!

· Thanks to you our happiness is homemade.   (use with “jams” pies, breads….

§ Seasoned with love.

§ Mixed with kindness.

§ Stirred with sincerity.

§ Blended with love.

· Happiness isn’t the easiest thing to find, but one place we’re guaranteed to find it is in your smile.

  • Other:

    • Sending you lots of big hugs

    • Wishing you sun shiny days

    • We Owl Love You

    • You’re One in a Minion or You’re One in a Melon

    • You’re Perfect in Every Way

  • Veterans Appreciation Messages

    • “I can’t thank you enough for your service to our country.”

    • “Your commitment to our freedom and safety deserves thanks.”

    • “You served bravely, and I’m so grateful.”

    • “It takes a special person to serve like you did.”

    • “My deepest thanks to you and gratitude to all who served.”

    • “You deserve to feel a lot of pride on this day. And I feel a lot of thanks.”

  • Armed Forces Appreciation Messages

    • “We appreciate your service on this day and every day.”

    • “Wishing you and all armed forces members a great day.”

    • “Your country thanks you today, and so do I.”

    • “Thank you for committing yourself to our country’s safety.”

    • Thank you for your dedication and service to our country.

    • I appreciate the freedoms I enjoy because you work daily to protect our country.

    • Thank you for your service and dedication to our nation.

    • Your inspiring bravery, service and dedication serve as an example to all.

    • Thank you for protecting our country and fighting for our freedom.

    • You deserve every honor for your hard work and sacrifice in serving our country.

    • Thank you for keeping us safe and working to protect our country and our way of life.

    • Thank you for serving our country with courage and strength.

    • Keeping you in my thoughts as you serve our country.

    • Thank you for everything you do to protect the citizens of this great country.

    • “The commitment you’ve made means so much and is so appreciated.”

    • “Thank you for your service to our country and its citizens.”

    • “Sincere thanks for the big sacrifices you’ve made for our nation.”

    • “You deserve thanks every day for your service.”

    • “As someone who served, I understand and appreciate your commitment to our country. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.”

    • “You chose to defend our democracy and deserve our deepest gratitude.”


  • Sonreir (Smile):

    • Sé feliz. (Be Happy)

    • Tú me haces sentir feliz. (You make me feel happy)

    • Cuando pienso en  ti me siento en las nubes (When I think of you I feel like I am in the clouds)

    • Sólo una tarjetita para hacerte sonreír.  (Just a little card to make you smile)

  • Sol y Flores (Sun and Flowers):

    • Te envío unos rayitos de sol.  (Sending you some rays of sunshine)

    • Saludos desde mi rinconcito del mundo (Greetings from my corner of the world)

    • Eres las más hermosa de todas las flores (You are the most beautiful of all flowers)

  • Abrazos (Hugs):

    • Aquí tengo un abrazo que lleva tu nombre.  Te lo envío con todo mi corazón. (I have a hug that has your name on it. I am sending it to you with all my heart.)

    • Sólo quiero enviarte un fuerte y cálido abrazo. (Just want to send you a big and warm hug)

    • Un abrazote mío sólo para ti. (A big hug from me to you)

    • Te mando un gran abrazo. (I am sending you a big hug)

    • Te mando este caluroso abrazo. (I am sending you this warm hug)

    • Te envío un abrazo caluroso / grande / enorme/ fuerte (I am sending you a warm hug/ big hug/large hug/strong hug)

    • Te mando un gran saludo. (I'm sending you a big hello)

    • Enviándote un abrazo (Sending you a hug)

  • Otros (Others):

    • Que tengas un día grandioso. (Have a great day)

    • Pienso en ti.  Sólo quería que lo supieras. (I'm thinking of you. I just wanted you to know.)

    • Que hoy sea un día de buenos momentos. (May today be a day of good times.)

    • Te envío un gran saludo. (I am sending you a big hello)

    • Pensando en ti. (Thinking of you)

    • Un amigo como tu es difícil de encontrar, fácil de querer y difícil de olvidar. (A friend like you is hard to find, easy to love and hard to forget)

    • Que tu vida esté colmada de sueños que se hagan realidad. (May your life be filled with dreams that come true.)

    • Que todos tus deseos se vuelvan realidad. (May all your wishes come true)

    • Tu haces que la vida sea mejor. (You make life better.)

    • No me digas que tu madre no es pastelera, porque un bonbón como tú no lo hace cualquiera (Do not tell me your mother is not a pastry chef, because a bonbon like you cannot be made by just anyone.)

    • ¡Eres Flan-tastico/a! (You are Flan-tastic!)

Spanish Teens:

  • Tú eres especial. Eres fuerte. Recuerda que aquí hay alguien a quien le importas. Serás un gran ejemplo para tu familia y amigos. Recuerda: Eres especial y nada es imposible. (You are special. You are strong. Remember that there is someone here who cares about you. You are a great example for your family and friends. Remember: You are special and nothing is impossible.)

  • Recuerda que tú eres increíble y más fuerte que todos. Tú lograrás tus objetivos. Sigue adelante. Eres fuerte, eres positivo. Confía y mira hacia el futuro. Tus sueños se harán realidad. (Remember that you are incredible and stronger than others. You will achieve your goals. Keep going. You are strong, you are positive. Trust and look at the future. Your dreams will come true.)


  • Waa la ku jecel yahay (You are loved)


  • أنت محبوب


  • Tu es un rayon de soleil! (You are a sun beam)

  • Passe une journée magique! (Have a wonderful/magical day)

  • Tu es extraordinaire! (You are awesome) 

  • Je n’ai que d’yeux pour toi! (hard to translate directly You are my world)

  • Tu es fantastique! (You are fantastic/amazing)

  • Tu es parfait comme tu es! (You are perfect the way you are)

  • Briller comme une licorne! (Shining like a unicorn)

  • C’est cerf-tain que tu es formidable! (a pun using stag, It is sure that you are wonderful)

  • Tu es super! (You are great)

  • Tu es chouette! (You are great/amazing, it could also be seen as a pun. « Chouette » in french means both an owl and great/amazing)

  • Ton sourire a un super pouvoir, il réchauffe les cœurs. (Your smile has a super power it warms up the hearts)


  • Você é amado

  • Te mando um abraço animado

  • Continue sorrindo

  • Nunca diga que eu não posso, sempre diga que vou tentar.

  • Que todos os seus desejos se realizem.

Simplified Chinese:

  • 祝你有一个积极向上的一天!

  • 你是最闪亮的那颗星!

  • 你很美“喵”!

  • 你是冠军!

  • 你是我的小苹果!

  • 祝你有神奇的一天!

  • 你很可爱!

  • 我的眼里只有你!

  • 你是超人!


  • Ti voglio bene (can’t translate: it’s a “soft” version of “I love you” we use to express a feeling NOT in a couple. “I love you” it’s just for two partners in a relationship)

  • Ti voglio tanto bene (more intense but still not like “I love you”)

  • Sei bello / Sei bella (you are beautiful, masculine and feminine)

  • Sei il più bello / Sei la più bella (you are the most beautiful, masculine and feminine)

  • Sei carino / Sei carina  (you are cute, masculine and feminine)

  • Buona giornata! (Have a nice day!)

  • Questa cartolina è solo per te! (This card is just for you!)

  • Sei forte! (means both “You are strong” and “You are cool”)

  • Sei simpatico / Sei simpatica (You are nice, masculine and feminine)

  • Sei il mio migliore amico / Sei la mia migliore amica (You’re my best friend)

  • Sei il migliore! / Sei la migliore! (You’re the best –  masculine and feminine)

  • Sei grande! (You are great!)

  • Sei super (You are great)

  • Sei una forza (You are a force)

  • Oggi è la tua festa (Today is your party)


  • Ich wünsche dir einen erholsamen Tag!

  • Du bist einzigartig!

  • Du bist ein Sonnenstrahl!

  • Du bist süß!

  • Du bist fantastisch!

  • Du bist perfekt!

  • Du bist unglaublich!

  • Du bist super!

  • (Harry Potter Card) Glaube an deine Magie!


  • آرزوی روز خیلی خوبی برای تو دارم.  (Wishing you a very good day)

  •  لبخند تو روشنی روز است.  (Your smile brightens the day)

  •  تو فوق العاده ای   (You are awesome.)

  • تو قوی هستی  (You are strong.)

Special thanks to Senora Kalata, Sarah F, Elvis, Ilaria G, Kathleen, Silvia V, and DePaul Modern Language Department for researching, finding, and translating these key phrases.

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