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Just Because

Because. Enough said. This isn’t one of those “because I said so” teachings. This “because” could be much more valuable.

As we’re beginning to grow - we’re now sending over 10,000 cards per month - we’re interested in finding ways we can improve our processes to expand our reach. Ideally, we’d have more people helping to find new partnerships and places to donate cards. It’d also be ideal to have some people helping to raise funds, so we can donate more than just cards. It’d help us to move down the order-of-operations process of adding a scholarship and creating a full-time role. Plus, there’d be people helping us with all types of technology ranging from Salesforce support to website assistance.

What if we had team members who were supporting and assisting with all those essential roles. We can’t forget when the VU Chicago members stepped in and provided support with the global shipping and accounting logistics. What if we had passionate team members leading those different categories moving forward? It’d be a game changer.

We originally started looking for advisory board members to help with those roles, but instead we’d love to find several passionate people who are willing to work alongside our team. People who love the mission of impacting the lives of children, families, and seniors across the globe. That if an outsider were to question them and say, “You’re donating your expertise and not charging a thing! Why?” Our passionate new team members could easily answer “BECAUSE” and leave it at that. That all-encompassing response would make it clear that this type of volunteering was fulfilling for everyone and there’s no additional reason needed.

Of course, they could add on things about how our work aligns with their core values – reaching overlooked individuals who need encouragement. They could also mention how contributing to this type of organization can be a win-win in the long run – their volunteering benefits everyone involved. They may also mention how they perfectly align with our mission and it’s something they’ve always wanted to do. Even with those reasons, we think the answer of JUST BECAUSE is more than enough on our end.

As you can see in the chart below, we’re rapidly growing. Thankfully with the increased number of cards that we’ve sent, we’ve been able to reach more people across the globe and support more nonprofits/hospitals. Please contact us at if you are interested in donating your skills in any of the following categories:

· Volunteer Recruitment

· Growth Strategy

· Accounting

· Marketing/PR/Social

· IT/Technology

Currently, we have no way to predict how many cards we’ll ship in 2022. If we took our first 2 months average it would be around 177,000, but that doesn’t account for the fact that the delivery in Q4 is usually drastically higher than any other quarter.

Please reach out if you’d like to join our leadership team and make an even larger impact within our organization (

To see more pictures and stories, please check out our Facebook page; follow us on Twitter and Instagram; visit our LinkedIn page! Also, check out some of our videos on YouTube!


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