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Interest and Intent to Action!

We often put up several points highlighting the amount of cards that come from each group. Although our last participation video on YouTube only included some of our Top Participants, we believe each card is important. This ranges from the hundreds that were made by DePaul University to the 12 cards made by a major fashion retailer’s employees. That’s why we have one of our hash tags, #everycardcounts.

One reason we’re so thankful for every card we receive is because we actually received it! 🙂 Now that may seem like a simple task, but you’d be surprised how rare it is! Here’s a definition of our “conversion rate” – the amount of groups who have heard about Cardz for Kidz! and have made cards in consecutive quarters.

We want to compare our “conversion rate” with some other statistics that were pulled on 11/9/14:

Although we don’t have the exact stats, we think we’re “beating” Rich Media for a lower “conversion rate”. While looking into groups who made a card in Q3 2014, only 9% of the total participants made a card in Q2 2014 as well.

But the way we note a “conversion” is people who’ve heard of our organization and actually convert – send us their completed cards.

First, the decline is sparked by folks who heard about us, loved the idea, got folks together to make cards, but did not send us their completed artwork. 🙁 We try to check in with groups who’ve expressed interest to see if they can send updated cards and sometimes it works. Recently we were excited when we got the following two quotes:

  1. Monday, October 27th: “…let me check our collection. We did make some during our XX event in June. We kept the station open, so I need to see how many are created”

  2. Tuesday, October 28th: “I’m actually glad you emailed me. A few months ago some of us here in the office got together to make cards and I have been holding on to them to send them to you.”

Good thing we checked! We probably would not have received those cards. Unfortunately we’re not able to contact all participants. When we include people who’ve made cards, but didn’t send them, our 9% conversion rate will definitely decline.

Then if we look a bit farther we’ve heard so many people say things such as “that sounds great, I’ll have to check with XX to see if we can do that.” Regrettably we rarely hear back from those individuals and they never make cards. 🙁

So we don’t have the exact numbers, but here’s our assumption:

(9% of groups who made cards in back to back quarters) X (the percentage of people who’ve made cards, but didn’t send them) X(the percentage of people who would LOVE to make cards, but haven’t had a chance to)

Although 100% of the people who participate have fun, we think our overall “Conversion Rate” is less than the other stats provided above.

If you could help us SEAL THE DEAL and convert INTEREST AND INTENT TO ACTION that’d be truly appreciated!!

To see more pictures and stories please check out our website, like us on Facebook page, follow us on Twitter , visit our Google+ page, or visit our LinkedIn page! Also, check out some of our videos on Youtube!


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