Ā”Epilepsia, recordamos!
Noviembre es el Mes de ConcientizaciĆ³n sobre la Epilepsia. Nuestro objetivo es aumentar la conciencia sobre la epilepsia y cĆ³mo afecta a millones de personas.
Durante aƱos, Ike Nwankwo, el fundador de Cardz For Kidz, estaba demasiado avergonzado para admitir que tenĆa epilepsia. Hoy estĆ” abierto a compartir su viaje y cĆ³mo ha estado superando la epilepsia durante mĆ”s de 18 aƱos. LanzĆ³ Cardz For Kidz para brindar amor y aliento durante todo el aƱo a aquellos que luchan contra diversas condiciones.
š£ Calling all chapters!š£
We're challenging all chapters to see who will come out on top! We'll track the following:
1. Funds raised from the Double Good Fundraiser from 2 PM March 27th to 2 PM March 31st.
2. Cards made in March. The cards must be postmarked by 3/31/23 to count. Please send all cards in one package so we can easily track your chapter's card total.
3. We'll also track social activity. Be sure to tag @cardzforkidz and use #marchgladness #cardzforkidz.
If your chapter wants to participate, please complete the Google Form by March 10th. If you don't have a chapter and want to start one, register here and complete the RSVP below.